
Saturday, June 2, 2007

they come in threes....

I love Elsie Flannigan's lay-outs..she is one of my fave scrappers. She is so artsy and free. And I'm so excited that she has come out with a line! A few days ago, I had done pages that were just "eh." But I really love these two!!

Supplies used-- Green and Orange Cardstock: Bazzill; Doodled paper: Love, Elsie by KI Memories; Rub-ons: Daisy D's, Sassafras Lass, Love, Elsie, Fancypants Design; Flowers: Junkitz; Pen: Sharpie Poster Paint.

Supplies used-- Patterned paper: foof-A-La; Striped paper: Daisy D's; Flowers: Making Memories; Bling: Heidi Swapp; Letter Stickers: Chatterbox; Transparency: Creative Imaginations; Pen: Micron.

a card for a co-worker

a card for my daddy-O

a card for a friend undergoing cancer treatment

1 comment:

  1. Love the LOs and cards! :)

    That Love, Elsie line does rock, but I can never think of what to do with something so funky! You did an awesome job! How cool! :)


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