
Thursday, August 6, 2009

Fairy Tales and Faves

I thought this was so cool on Amy's blog. You plug in your name and find out your fairy name AND a little description!! Here's mine-

Corinne Mercado:
Your fairy is called Thorn Rainbowfly.
She is a fortune bringer.
She lives in brambles and blackberry bushes.
She is only seen at midday under a quiet, cloudless sky.
She wears purple and green like berries and leaves. She has multicoloured wings like a butterfly.

I was making this card & decided to fashion the cutie bit after my fairy. I thought she'd look wonderful as a redhead :). The dandelion rub-on was kind of messed up on the right, but it looks like someone is blowing the little stems away, carrying their wishes. When I make cards or scrap, it never looks perfect anyway but I prefer it that way. I think imperfection gives my creations character. Anyway, I can't wait to make a birthday card for my friend, Jules, who just LOVES fairies (she even has a tattoo of one!).

CS- Bazzill
PP- Reminisce, unknown
Rub-On- Me & My Big Ideas
Flowers- Maya Road
Sticker- Hambly
Brads- Basic Grey
Stamp- Anya, The Greeting Farm
Ink- Memento
Markers- Copic

So, one of my ultimate favorite blogs is Elsie's. She features pictures of what inspires her, and I think I'll be doing the same :). See below for two of my faves.

1) Today, on facebook, Kristina Contes (talk about INSPIRATION!) said she wanted to marry the current Anthropologie catalogue!! Ha ha! Thought that was cute and funny... then I received mine in the mail. And I, too, SWOONED!! The catalogue featured real people as models. So wonderful. And THIS is so sah-weet!

2) It's bittersweet that one of my favorite TV shows is ending its latest season. My time has totally been turned upside down with my baby. But don't get me wrong, it is worth it! still.. if there is one show on TV that I somehow never missed (of course, many thanks to my hubby), it's So You Think You Can Dance. I don't really have a favorite this season, but I must admit that I like all but Evan (sorry). Go Kayla, Brandon, and Jeanine! I wonder who will win...

Thanks for visiting, peeps!


  1. So cute! Julie's gonna love it!

    Can't wait for the finale tonight! I'm SOOOO not checking FB or Twitter until I watch it!

  2. I love your Fairy name! And I haven't been entranced by the dancers this season either. I remember last season I couldn't get enough! I'm gonna have to hop over to the links you provided and check out that inspiration, but I need to read your next post first!

  3. I am so sad it's over! But it was a great show tonight!!

    I would LIVE in Anthropologie if I could. I love that store!!

    Your Flutter Anya card is adorable!!!


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