
Monday, January 25, 2010


first of all, I'd like to say that I don't think I'm meant to use digital stamps at all - which is unfortunate because I'm racking up quite a bit of them! I wanted to play along at the TGF CHA Relay Race - got Mer Ian downloaded, finally got the printer that loads my Gina K cardstock properly...and although he printed out twice as large as I intended, I was ready to copic him up when suddenly he smeared!! Wahhh!

Then my babe and I have been symptoms of the stomach flu....boooo. And so, I couldn't print a smaller Mer Ian and blowdry my image and learn to be more again.

But here is my card for today nonetheless. And it is cute, cute, cute!

Am probably going to keep this card and post it somewhere where I can see it daily. It will probably be my new mantra :).

Super simple card - Kraft paper as CS; Cosmo cricket as the striped PP, Studio Calico as the tab PP (love this!); brads from American Crafts; clear overlay sentiment from kol laj. And this crafty cutie cuppie & matching sentiment are from Taylored Expressions.

And speaking of being creative, take a look at this:

This card was given to me by M, my friend MJ's daughter. She is 8 y.o., mind you...look at the details in her coloring and the elements of her design! She loved the TGF stamps from the moment she discovered them when I made her mom a couple of cards! It was so sweet of her to make me this card. Watch out, stamping've got an upcoming star! :)

Happy Monday!


  1. How wonderful!! I love the work you've done with the cuppie stamps. So cute!

  2. Your card is darling! Sorry you had trouble with the digi stamps. Hope you feel better soon!

  3. Love your card!! I try to be creative everyday....LOL
    That Anya card is so pretty, what a talented 7 yr. old. Have a great week.
    Aloha & Hugs,


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