
Friday, January 8, 2010

Gratitute and Sympathy

Thank God it's Friiiiddayyyy! And I am off this weekend, yay! I have two cards to blog about today. :)

The first is for two challenges. This pretty pink number is for Club Anya's Manic Monday's Monochromatic challenge. It's obvious which color I chose, haha! And for pink being one of my most favorite color, I only had three of them in my Copic collection! Time to get more Copics, LOL!

It is also for ICS #48. Such an impeccable sketch!

And the wonderful Wild Sprouts Sassy Suzi is a special stamp indeed! My BFF, P, who does not craft but has adored my creations was my Secret Santa. She knew she wanted to get me a stamp but didn't know which ones I already had. So she researched and scoured through my posts and saw that I didn't have this one yet and got it for me. Wasn't that so sweet?

For this card, I really went through my scraps --
CS and tag: Bazzill
PP: The Paper Company (light pink vellum), glittered- unknown, felt- unknown
Letters: American Crafts (big), My Little Shoebox (little)
Button sticker: Love, Elsie
Rub-ons: Fiskars
Bling: Heidi Swapp
Flower: Junkitz
Misc: Strings (the fuzzy one reminds me of Suzi's sweater).

My second card is a sympathy card. I always have a hard time making these because I don't feel that I have appropriate stamps - I usually use the Japanese Anya or this TGF butterfly stamp.

It's for my DH's co-worker. We do not know her very well. But she, along with his other colleagues threw us a surprise baby shower and I thought that was very nice and thoughtful. And her story touched me. On the day after Christmas, her house burned down. Her DH was inside and he didn't make it. I'm tearing up just typing this because it is just a horrific way to die. And not only did she lose her home, she lost her partner as well :(. To think that everybody else was still celebrating the holidays at this time...

I found a lot of old rub-ons (Basic Grey & Fancy pants Design) so I thought I'd make a PP to symbolize a bouquet of flowers. And these beautiful fabric brads from K & Company are just really beautiful.

Let us not take what we have for granted and live each day to the fullest.

Much love,


  1. These are darling! I love the pink in the first one.

  2. Corrine, these are cute! I love the ALL PINK one!
    Have a great weekend.
    Aloha & Hugs,

  3. Your cards are so cute. Oh my goodness, that is so sad. My prayers to her and her family. You are definitely correct to say to live life to the fullest.

  4. Gorgeous creations Rinne! Your pink monochromatic card is so sparkly and beautiful! Awesome job with the challenge!!

    So sorry to hear about you DH's co-worker. That is so sad. I cannot even imagine. Your card is so beautiful and I'm sure it will be appreciated. It shows that you put a lot of care and thought into it! You have such a big heart!!

  5. Fab cards and love the one you did for ICS this week - many thanks for playing along with us.

    Sorry to hear about your DH's co-worker - you're card shows how thoughtful a person you are - I'm not sure I would know where to start making a sympathy card knowing both the person & the circumstances.


  6. Fabulous cards. Sympathy cards are so difficult but yours hits the spot. So elegant. Such a sad story, you are right we should live each day to the fullest and never take what we have for granted. Tfs :)xx

  7. lovely cards, thanks for joining us at ics this week!

  8. lovely cards how kind of you to think of your DH coworker, its true live each day as ful as poss. Yu just never know
    Thanks for joining us at ics.

  9. both cards are just lovely. I think all the pinks are gorgeous and so much fun. Thanks for playing along at ICS

    my heart goes out to and breaks for that family. I will say a prayer for her. I can not imagine.

  10. Adorable!

    So thoughtful of you... I will keep G's co-worker's family in my prayers.


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