
Saturday, April 17, 2010

Celebrate Good Times, c'mon!


Happy Saturday, everyone!!! Today is a great day.. it feels like mid-70's outside as the sun is fully out!

I will start my birthday celebrations tonight. Most of my besties and I will be going to Joya, a trendy restaurant that serves Spanish dishes.

I picked the restaurant but I must admit... I'm pretty nervous about getting all dolled up. Being a new mom, I haven't really had the time to put myself together for a special occasion. But I know how important that is so I picked this place to sort of 'force' myself.

I don't have a new outfit but I do have a new bib necklace for my ladies' night. Am truly excited to have fun and chop it up with my ladies! I'll be sure to take some pictures to share with you!

Anyway, today's card is for my niece's Communion celebration. It is a blessed time for Catholics. I don't own any religious stamps so I customized one of my Alice in Wonderland stamps from Sweet Pea. The children are dressed in all white during this special mass. And I've colored her hair black. This card is also for the Copics Creations Challenge # 26 -- coloring black hair.

The PP are from October Afternoon and Scenic Route. I've also used more of my Taylored Expressions March Key Ingredients kit (butterflies, ribbon).

Have a great weekend!


  1. Fab job customizing this stamp to fit your theme... she looks so pretty! And the mix of papers once again totally caught my eye! :)
    Have fun celebrating tonight, it sounds absolutely wonderful!

  2. Fab card and colored so well! Your "black hair" is gorgeous and I wish the little one blessings on First Holy Communion! :) thanks for joining us at Copic Creations!

  3. Gorgeous card, love yoyr colours, papers and that fabulouly coloured adorable image.
    Hope your niece's communion went well and you had a fabulous night out.
    Thanks so much for playing along with us at Copic Creations.
    hugs Heather xx

  4. LOVE this Rinne!!! I love how you gave her dark hair and a pure white dress! BRILLIANT!!

  5. What an adorable image and great coloring too!! Thanks for joining us at Copic Creations!!
    Jodi =)


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