
Monday, May 10, 2010

Our Internet is down :(...

So I'm blogging on my phone.

I did have a card for you today but I can't upload it right now.

It's another cute & simple one, and I'm happy I got to craft today.

But I can't wait to be able to spend an hour making a card -- coloring an intricate image, cutting up and layering patterned paper to create textures, adding unique embellies.... Ahh, I miss those kind of cards.

Hope to get to make those soon. And also try Sunghee's templates. My sis suggested trains for the centerpieces at Mattie's party-- thought the bumper car template would be perfect. *sighs*. If only there were two of me.

Right now, I'm kind of almost drowning. Threading water but my legs are getting tired.

The babe is getting more mobile. That means less time for myself, more time chasing after or entertaining him.

His birthday is fast approaching. I'm in the middle of mailing out invitations (homemade, will show later), buying favors, and ordering food.

I also will be putting together favors (& making the tags) for one of my BFF's bridal shower.

We are house hunting (yay!). And the bidding game has begun. There's a house that looks promising so pls say a lil prayer for me. How I'd love to have my own crafting room (or table!) and a backyard for MK! And people over for dinner!

I work the next couple of days so I probably won't see you till Thursday.

Enjoy the night!


  1. You sure are busy Rinne. I so remember the baby mobile stage, and having to endlessly follow my girls around while they explored everything!

  2. Hang in there Rinne darlin!!!

    Good luck with the house hunting! Fun!!

  3. So much excitement, Rinne! I can't wait to see pics of Mattie's birthday, it's going to be totally awesome!
    I'll be saying prayers that everything works out and you get the house, it sounds perfect!


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