
Monday, August 30, 2010

LCOM's Pet Challenge


Good morning everyone! Today is my last post as a Card Designer Team member for Let's Capture Our Memories. It has been a blast and I learned sooo much!

A HUGE thank you to Sandi who has been so friendly and supportive through it all! I've enjoyed my first DT term with the rest of these ladies:

Jerusha Borden
Danielle Casello
Anita Mulcahey
JJ Sobey
Emily Thompson
Melissa Wright
Sandi Johnson (CDT Coordinator)

For this term's last challenge, the goal is to make a card that is inspired by a pet. My card is pretty simple. I used a couple of patterned papers and stickers. The colors match my sister's dog, Apollo.

Apollo is the BEST dog! He's so gentle and friendly. He especially loves to play & run & blink those puppy dog eyes! He is such a good dog and I love him!

My DS just adores him! I think we may just be getting our own darling pet in the near future!

Please post your entry by Saturday, September 4th (already?!!), 12 Noon AST.

Have a great day! I'll be sharing some awesome news later! :)


  1. Cute card! Love the pic of Matthew with the dog! He's so cute!

  2. Your card is perfect, it's even the same color as Apollo! Awww, a boy and his dog...such a cute pic, you really do need to get Mattie a dog! ;)

  3. Love your card, you went out on your DT commitment with a BANG! :) Only more good things to come, I'm sure! Yay!


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