
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Twisted Sister Oleander


Happy Tuesday, and welcome to the debut of the first TWISTED SISTER created by Amy!

Twisted sisters are fairies who are also sweet but they have an edge. They come out at night in Fairyland to have fun after everyone else is asleep! They know the latest trends and the hottest parties to go to! Amy named these lovely sassies after cool is that?!!

Today, we've got the adorable Oleander. She looks really sweet, maybe even a bit shy. These twisted sisters are perfect for Halloween, but I wanted to also show how versatile these 'dark' fairies could be.

Used lot of hardware mixed in with soft elements. Found this cool paper with leather-like texture. I was also ecstatic to find these metal letters -- remember those? I think they're from Making Memories. Then, I was also excited to use these pins and a quilled butterfly! The rain are really mini brads. Then I finished it off with dots from a Viva pearl pen (pupils, lining).

Hope you also got to visit Traci Porter, Rachel, and of course, Amy for some Oleander sneak peeks! Stay tuned for another Twisted Sister tomorrow!

BTW, I almost forgot. These twisted fairies will be available at All That Scraps on Monday, September 6th.

Have a wonderful day!


  1. Very nice card. I love your quilled butterfly!

  2. Hi Rinne, I love this card. Amy is right you do use alot of different tectures. This is really great and I love how you have colored her. Have a great day. Hugs, Lisa G

  3. WOWZERS Rinne, this card is totally knockin' my socks off! I love how you showed her versatility and the mix of hard and soft elements tells such a great story... you rocked this girl! :)

  4. I love the elements incorporated on the card. That leather paper is SO COOL!

  5. Fabulous card Rinne! Love all the different elements... AWESOME! ;)

  6. This is just darling! I love the pins!

  7. Wow, Rinne! This is honestly a stunning card. Beautifully composed. You have such a good eye.

  8. WOW! Rinne, I LOVE this fun, whimsical scene you made! The raindrops coming out of those awesomely cool clouds is such a cute/cool touch! The whole scene fits the feel of Oleander perfectly! :-)Traci

  9. Super cute! :) I love all of the hard and soft elements! :)

  10. Wow this is amazing I just want to reach through the screen and touch it :D I LOVE that cute little quilled butterfly and the metal letters and the blue hair just tops it off perfectly!


    Amy xx


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