
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Wild & Crazy stuff.


Good morning, everyone!

My card today is for my crazy co-worker and friend, MM. She is fun, the kind who would start a pillow fight with the nurses to get the patient to laugh! I wanted to make her a card that is as wild as she is! She is heading to Chicago to be with her boyfriend.

The stamp is Lola from Simply Betty. These emo kids are so cute, cool, and coloring them is so much fun! I decided to leave out Lola's friend, a rat -- I am NOT fond of rats! Ugggh, I shudder and get goose bumps just thinking about them.

I tried my best to remember Amy's basic pointers for coloring straight hair on her video at Color Me Copic. I should've re-watched it as it didn't turn out right and strand-y. Whoops! :)

CS -
Taylored Expressions KI kit, October '10.
B&W PP - Teresa Collins.
Polka dotted & colorful PP - Crate Paper (Restoration) from
Taylored Expressions KI kit, October '10.
Markers - Copics.
Stickers - Cosmo Cricket (Joyride).
Brads- Making memories.

And speaking of fun and crazy, I went to the San Francisco Giants' parade yesterday. For those of you who aren't familiar with baseball, the Giants won the World Series against the Arlington Rangers on Monday. It had been our first title since 1952, when the Giants moved to SF from NY.

Can I just tell you, even explain how great it feels to be in the Bay Area right now? There is just this wonderful sense of camraderie, victory, hope. That a bunch of misfits and previously labeled underdogs have come together to truly work as a team. And did I mention how cool and cute those players are? Hehe!

I am not a hardcore fan by any means. But I've always loved the Giants and supported their games. I am beginning to truly like being into sports. I think it started when I was preggo and became really intrigued with basketball and watched almost every game of that year. It must've been all that testorone in my body :).

Here are some pictures from yesterday's parade:

All taken via my iPhone. There were over a million people there. I didn't want to bring my big camera, but I regretted it. There were so many opportunities for good pics! Did I also mention that I went by myself? The people I was supposed to go with got called in for work and one went into labor the night before (the nerve! hahahaha!). I was scared I'd get trampled or look like a loser, but I made friends and it was so WORTH it! I was also on-call at work and had to come back in at 3 pm. I almost didn't make it. So I think those things kinda make me semi-hardcore, right? :)

Here's a lay-out I wanted to share with you from many years ago. I think it was 2006, a baseball game with my co-workers. Could've sworn I blogged about it but I can't find it. I may have labeled it wrong.

Anyway, enough rambling! Have a great day! Yay, Giants!


  1. Super cute Rinne! I almost went yesterday too, but then princess ended up sick! Sigh....I would have gladly hooked up with you! <3

  2. Really cute! Love the mix of papers and her wild hair! :)

    P/s: Good for you that you went by yourself! ;)

  3. What darling projects! I love the layout!

  4. First off, perfect stamp choice for a wild and crazy card... Lola looks right at home amidst all that funky coolness! I'm sure your friend will love it!

    And even though I'm not much a sports fan myself I will say that the parade looks like it was a lot of fun... love your page too! :)

  5. Love your card and how you colored her hair pink! I'm SO not an out-of-the-box thinker!

    Good for you for going to the Giants game by yourself! So sorry I couldn't go with you. I was miserably sick and we were leaving for Vegas the next day! Bummed I missed out on such a once-in-a-lifetime thing! What a great memory for you! :)


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