
Wednesday, March 30, 2011



As I'm writing this post, the little monster is:

1. running around hitting his head on the bars of the treadmill (that is in the craft room).

2. lining up my glues, paint bottles, hand sanitizer (under adult supervision, of course).

3. learning how to open my Copics (AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!).

And you wonder why my blog posts are always short? :)

Here's a l.o. of the dude during Halloween 2009. He was an astronaut and I always, ALWAYS must buy an accessory to go along with it (in this case, that little monster alien).

Thought those cute Monster PP from My Little Shoebox would be fitting! Added some misting for dimension.

Have a great one!


  1. sounds like you have your hands full! Love your beautiful layout.

  2. Awww...such a cutie! You know I *heart* your little boy right? Such a fun layout Rinne!!! Love the monsters!

  3. I remember his "younger" days. Don't monsters grow up so quick! Such an adorable layout. Love the mist on the background and the tag is so cute!

  4. CUTE!!! I can't believe how big he's gotten! Soon we won't be able to dress up our little ones the way we want! WAH!

  5. Very cool layout design and use of that fun monster paper... what a fantastic page! I always love your attention to detail with everything, from the crafts you create to the parties you plan... it amazes me!:)


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