
Sunday, March 6, 2011



I was reading this book as I was making this card.

It's a great read if you love fashion, especially if you adore vintage. Vintage has been fascinating me lately, although I don't really own anything from another era. But I would always daydream that I would someday find a piece of jewelry or clothing that once belonged to my grandmother or great-grandma. And oooooh, the stories that would enter my head of what it was like during that time. So if this kind of daydreaming appeals to you, then you'd like this book.

So back to the card. She is my recent purchase from the Cheeky Cherry Collection at The Greeting Farm. The Cheekies are retro enough but I wanted the card to have a whole vintage-y feel to it.

Some of the supplies that I used came from the "On the Easel" kit from Studio Calico. The main PP really stood out to's called "Macho." It's perfect for a bachelorette theme. Gotta admit that when I added the fishnet stockings, it got pretty racy :).

There are a lot of embellishments, just the way I like it (most of the time). There's washi tape that came from the kit. Some lacy tape, and real lace at the bottom of the trim to which I added glitter gel to. (You can't tell here but it glitters in the light).

Some Jolee's stickers and American Craft tags and pins were layered on and voila!

Hope you're having a fantabulous day!


  1. OH Rinne, she is just gorgeous! Very royal!

  2. Look at you! Miss Busy with all these posts. A terrific card!

  3. OMGosh, this is awesome Rinne! The vintage feel is perfectly done and Cheeky looks amazing...superb card!

  4. This is darling! I'll have to check out the book!

  5. So pretty! :) Love all the textures and embellies you used on the card!


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