
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Sympathize with me...


Did I ever tell you that I am a big worry- wart?

My hubby teases me all the time.. that I make things worse in my head and that I drive myself (& probably him) crazy. And most of the time, he's right.

And they're already watching my blood pressure with this pregnancy so I'm probably not helping in that department.

But still, most of the time, it's the woman who deos the worrying in the family, am i right? I hate it cuz i feel like i'm carrying this burden while he is sitting around, twiddling his fingers. *sighs* But that is why I married him and love him. He balances me out.

And I am so grateful for this blog and this hobby of mine. Keeps my mind off stupid stuff.

Today, I finally got some crafting done! So happy! From my previous post, I mentioned that I have a hard time making sympathy cards. When the time comes to make one, I am running around like a chicken with its head cut off.... never knowing which stamp to use and always looking around for a purplish-colored patterned paper.

For my birthday, a good friend got me a couple of Magnolia stamps. I was ecstatic. In fact, her presents delighted me -- all Japanese-themed gifts!

I sure hope this stamp isn't a bride. But I thought that with her expression and her kimono colored a melancholy blue, she'd fit in a sympathy card. I dug around my old boxes and found some dated supplies for this shabby chic card. The paper was from a 2007 Label Tulip kit (i loved their monthly kits. too bad they didn't last). The leaves were so old that they started breaking apart.

And I am utterly in love with Kim's sentiments!

Anyway, thank you for visiting. And please pray that all my worries disappear :).



  1. So cute! Love the fabulous layers!

  2. Lovely card Rinne, you and I must have spent time at the same "Worrywart High".

    Big Hugs,

  3. I rarely do sympathy cards for the same reasons... never know exactly what to use. But this turned out really beautiful and I'm sure it will help to lift someone's spirit.

    As far as the worrying goes, deep breaths my friend! :)

  4. Great job on making sympathy card. I agree, her expression says it. Great coloring and all the embellies!

  5. awww, another Asian inspired Magnolia. So pretty! Love the card and sentiment is perfect too! :)


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