
Monday, June 13, 2011

Old McDonald Had a Farm...


One of my good friends invited us to her son's 2nd birthday party at a farm. I was super excited because Mattie loves animals. Unfortunately, I had to work and couldn't find anyone to switch with. :(

I was shopping at our local grocery store and spotted these awesome stickers. They were very cute, complete with googly eyes! The scene in the packaging (see below, on the right side) inspired how my card for N finally came about.


No stamping for this one. And I literally made this card in under five minutes. The cornstalk PP is from Jillibean Soup (Chicken Noodle) and the green one is from my stash. The stickers are from American Greetings. I used a Martha Stewart Halloween punch for the fence and cut off the bat wings.

Hope N likes it! I know Mattie does. He kept shaking the card to make the eyes move...LOL!

Thanks for coming by!


  1. This is totally adorable! Gotta love a card that's done in under 5 minutes! :)

  2. This card is so much fun and perfect for a little guy because those googly eyes will totally grab his attention... guess Mattie has already proven that, LOL! :)

  3. You are so clever, love the use of the paper for the background. What a happy card.
    Tanya R

  4. I am sure the birthday boy will love this! Those googly eyes are perfect!


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