
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

PWCO's Sketch # 88.


Good Wednesday mornin'!! Today at PWCO, we've got Sketch Challenge # 88.

And as a little treat, we have all of the DTs participating and showcasing this beautiful frame made by our fabulous 'boss-lady,' Peggy. In fact, Peggy is generously giving away this freebie (as a digital image) today! See the PWCO blog for more details!

I made this wedding card pretty simple -- at least simple in terms of using only a few materials. True to my usual style, I've still managed to mix lots of patterns and textures here :).

Supplies Used:

Stamp -
PWCO's free digital frame.

Papers - Recollections (CS). Pebbles' The Mr. & Mrs. line (Floral).

Stickers - Pebbles' the Mr. & Mrs. line.

Misc - Rosette ribbon. Creative Imaginations' pearls.

I hope you all join in on this fun sketch challenge. Remember, if you join us for at least two challenges this month, you have a chance at winning two stamps or the month's card kit!



  1. Oh wow! What a pretty card! :)

  2. girlie - this is GORGEOUS! that rosette ribbon is delish.

  3. Wonderful wedding card Rinne, it has the perfect blend of traditional romance and modern hipness to it! :)


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