
Friday, September 30, 2011

Currents at our Home

Hi all!

TGIF! We've been busy this past week, and unfortunately, I don't think I would be able to have a post/ card/ creation everyday. So today, I thought I'd show you recent happenings with my fam.

First, I'm so excited to say that my craft room is underway (finally!). Here's a before picture.

Hopefully, in about a month, I'll be showing you an after picture (that is my goal length of time).

Also, somebody started pre-school. Here's MK showing his new doggie bag from Cate & Levi. I got it on sale from, and I must say that I love how the backpack is from natural and reclaimed materials. And that it is handmade. And for my Canadian friends, how lovely that this company is from your side!

Here are a few more pics of Mattie during the actual day.

Mattie, you were so excited at the mention of playing with other kids. On the first day, you cried most of the day and wouldn't let go of your jacket because it was your safety item. And mama's heart was broken when I heard this. But during the subsequent day, you cried for only ten minutes and joined in on the sing and dance circle. And I was elated. I tear up at the thought of how fast you are growing up. If it were only up to me, I would keep you here at home for one more year because I know once you start school, you'll be away for half the day. But I know that this is the right thing for you right now. I see how happy you are playing with other kids. The slide is your favorite in the playground. You are more verbal than ever and have new words. I know you'll be making lots of friends and learning so much! And I am glad it's only part-time so I could still enjoy you and not feel that you are already starting school at such a young age.

I better get cracking on ordering some pics...looks like I've got some scrapping to do! :)

Thanks for visiting, everybody!!


  1. Best backpack ever!!! lol and your room looks like its going to be awesome!! Can't wait to see the finished product.


  2. I swear you find the cuties things...scrap related and not...That bag is so darn CUTE! and so is that little boy. The first day of preschool is a hard one. Sounds like he's loving it now. KEEP SMILING :)

  3. Hmmmm I'm excited about those cubby holes they look like they will have permanent housing for some great be in there.....
    Aww your son is totally handsome... I'm sure his adjusted and will be a happy camper as time goes on..... How cute and baby looks all cozy in the stroller....

  4. Aww, he's so handsome and I love that backpack of his. I'm excited to see how your craft room is gonna turn out, it's looking good so far.

  5. Love all the pics and seeing what's going on in Rinne's World...sounds like a new show! :)
    That puppy backpack is so cute and even cuter on Mattie, glad he is getting into the groove of preschool. It sounds like it is a wonderful one!
    I can't believe how much he has grown, he was still a baby when I found your blog! Wow, time goes by too fast!

  6. I'm already envious of your craft room - and glad to hear that Mattie fared a lot better on his second day. I hope Momma is holding up okay as well!

  7. Aww, MK looks so cute on his first day of school - nothing like his clubbing buddy on her first day! The backpack is adorable! Love it!

    Can't wait to see your new craft room!


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