
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Missoni purse.

Happy Hump Day, peeps!

My goodness, how time flies! Yesterday, I visited my work with Oli and Mattie and although I missed my colleagues and patients, I'm glad that I still have some time left for my maternity leave. Alas, I know that that time will go fast!

I will miss the days when I could post a Rinne Creation everyday! But I know that I am lucky and blessed to have a job. I need it to provide for my family, help pay the bills. And, ahem, support my stamping addiction, errr, I mean hobby (LOL!). Plus, I like to go shopping for lots of other things. And lemme tell you, it does not help that I am home browsing the internet.

Which brings me to my card.

If you have a Target in your town, you may have heard that Missoni was coming. It is the famous Italian design brand that was started in the 1950's and is known for its zigzag patterns and unique knitwear. Missoni items are now available at Target for a very short time. And shopaholics and fashionistas alike came in herds and the items all sold out on their internet site within days.

I was lucky enough to be watching the news on that very first day - they were talking about how the internet site kept crashing. This was unheard of before that day. Luckily, both children of mine just got fed so I scooped them up and we drove to the nearest store. I was familiar with the brand and I knew the cheaper version would be in demand even if the labels stated "Made in China." I thought to myself, "Why not?" as I'd probably never be able to own the real deal as those clothes were worth thousands of dollars.

Anyway, it was 9:30-ish and the store opened at 8. There were no other clothes in my size save a pajama bottom (which I grabbed and will probably try to wear in public, buwahahahaha -- all in the sake of fashion!). I got some Christmas shopping done for a lot of my nieces though and some house wares. I'm very excited about these cute glasses and towels that I got.

But pardon me if I'm rambling.....I am just all over the place today!! The card features some paper-piercing from the Missoni tag from Target. :)


I love, love, love it! You see, I'm such a sucker for purses. I got these Miss Anya bags stamp because I knew I'd be showcasing those purses!!! Hahahaha! Raise your hand if you can relate!

CS- Recollections, Neenah.
PP- Sassafras. Basic Grey (plaid).
Punch and pearls- Martha Stewart.
Flowers- Prima.



  1. I LOVE IT! You are too cute!!! You go with your tag embellishment girl! lol

  2. What a great way to recycle! She's got a super stylish purse now!

  3. Hi Rinne~
    Another adorable card - all your cards rock... Love hopping over to take a peek - so inpiring....
    Great image on this one and she's gorgeous like you, those flowers are so awesome too.
    Have another crafty day....

  4. So lovely! I've never heard of Missoni, but you know I've never been one to keep up with fashion. *lol* I think your card is just gorgeous though! Love it! :)


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