
Saturday, September 10, 2011

My Oliver

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This is my first lay-out of Oli. He's a couple of months old now. He follows me with his eyes more and is more observant of his surroundings. He smiles easily when he sees me grinning at him. I love it when he coos.

At age 2 months young, he is in the 75th percentile for weight among other 2 month olds. His height is in the 62nd percentile, which means that he'll probably be above average, to my DH's and my delight (I am short & he's average).

Now, he only wakes up once during the night to feed. And, boy, can he eat! I call him "matakaw," which means big appetite. :)

A very quick and simple only took me five minutes to do. I ended up taking out the confetti-looking embellies (i cut up the flowers on the left hand corner) after I took the pic.

i hope you all are having a great weekend so far! No big plans today except crafting for me and cuddling with my boys :).



  1. Congrats on getting your first layout of Oli done. Sounds like he is growing fast!

  2. Love the LO. After we had our 4th hubby said no more :( She's 4 now and I'm feeling the baby tug again. I love seeing baby LO's. And Oliver is sooo cute :)

  3. Awe how sweet. Love your adorable scrapbook page, you will cherish this forever :O)

  4. Ohhhh...he's so cute! Lovely page Rinne! :)

  5. Gorgeous layout Rinne and Oliver is so precious and sweet! I can't believe it was such a quick layout, it's really awesome! Love your paper mix and your buttons and lace bits, very cool looking!

  6. Love the layout of Oliver! Too precious and perfect! Yay for scrapping!


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