
Monday, November 14, 2011

Team Oliver vs. Team Josh.

**** Please go HERE for my Craft Room ReDo Blog Candy. ****

*Please scroll down for my PWCO post!*

Hello, hello, hello!

It's time for another Sparkle Creations Rubber Stamps Challenge (#68). Today marks the first week of this challenge, and I'm part of the first group to showcase it.

Since Twilight's Breaking Dawn will be coming out this week in theaters, we thought we'd do our own version of Team Edward versus Team Jacob. That is, it'll be Team Oliver vs. Team Josh.

You can use your imagination to do whatever you wish provided that you use an Oliver or a Josh image.

Please see the SCRS blog for more details! Here's my take:


I had quite a ball doing this challenge as I am a BIG Twilight fan! I chose images that look as close to the characters of Edward and Jacob as possible -- Valentine Oliver and Street Corner Josh. Valentine Oliver is romantic so I thought he'd be a perfect Edward, although Edward would never wear that kind of hat, LOL! And Street Corner Josh is kinda cool, just like Jacob. I tried coloring them like the characters as well.

Lastly, I added these sentiments I got from Unity Stamps. They're perfect, don't ya think?

For more inspiration, please visit the blog and other DTs for Team A (the first group to do the challenge):

Sparkle Creations Rubber Stamps Store
Sparkle Creations Rubber Stamps Blog
Alice Wertz
Corinne Mercado
Jen Shults, November Guest Designer
Kadie Ensley
Kim Yu
Shaela Odd

Hope you get to play along!!! And who's watching the movie at midnight on Friday??? I am!! :)


  1. Girlie you totally OWN this challenge! Beyond the fab colouring, you did a great job of interpreting the challenge. Absolutely inspired!

  2. So cute! Great use of the sentiments! I have those hanging around here somewhere. I should dig those out! Creative use of the stamps too! LOVE it!

  3. Wow Rinne~
    You sure rocked this card out!
    Totally awesome~ love the images and one fab card..... great colors and pretty bg papers... I would love to play along but I don't even own any of Sparkle's stamps yet....

  4. Wonderful, Corinne! Love both of these guys, though I have to agree with you that Edward would probably never wear a hat like that! LOL!

  5. Lol! Fun card Rinne! Those sentiments are too funny!


  6. I love your creative take on the challenge Rinne, you are so amazing and you always make me smile! Fabulous Edward/Jacob card, the sentiments are perfect!
    Hope your having a wonderful week!

  7. Soooo awesome, Rinne!! You always do an amazing job coloring! These images are so fabulous and the sentiments are just perfect!! LOVE it!! :D


  8. Great card! Love how you colored them! Team Jacob!!! LOL


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