
Friday, December 9, 2011

The End of my DT term at PWCO.

****Please click HERE for my SCRS Karber Fairy preview post!****

Happy Friday mornin', ladies & gents!

This marks my last post for PaperWorks Company Design Team. :(

I will be forever grateful to Peggy -- this marked my first time designing for a widely-known stamp company full-time! I have enjoyed my 6-month term showcasing PWCO's oh-so-cute stamps while being able to feature my creations as inspiration for the fun challenges. I had a great time meeting other DT members while getting to work with some 'old' time bloggy friends (Tanya and Stephanie). I'm telling you, my Canadian peeps are super nice and talented! :)

Stephanie, thank you also for being such an awesome coordinator! You were always so supportive when I was panicking about making deadlines when I first gave birth and then later, when it was time to go back to work. And Peggy, thanks so very much for the generous packages of stamps and other goodies!

Anyway, enough blabbing and let's get to crafting! It's a Recipe Challenge Day. Today's goal is to use a snowman, two design papers, and snowflakes.

Here's my take:


I used A Little Haul of Cheer. This stamp is very cute, and he reminds me a little of my tater tot. Being from California, he has only seen / played with snow two times so I pretty much engraved those memories in my mind. LOL!

The two DPs are the: 1. snowflakes (green & white). 2. the stripes and larger snowflakes came as a strip. Both are from Echo Park and the PWCO November PaperCard Kit. The snowmen were cut from the same strip as well. The snowflakes are brads from an old Taylored Expressions' KI kit.

I created the clouds using a hand-cut cloud stencil and Tim Holtz Distressed Ink. The stamped image is colored with Copic markers. Please pardon the lopsided sentiment!

Remember, you don't have to use a PWCO image to play along. But if you do, you get a second chance at winning! See the PWCO blog for more info!

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. aww, cute little image and card! love the snowflakes too. have a great weekend!

  2. Cute cute card Rinne~
    Such a pretty last take to your DT at PWC... At least you had fun and met new friends.... great memories while it lasted....Awesome!

  3. AWESOMELY CUTE RINNE...loving that idea for the clouds!!! You had a great run at PWCO I'm sure they are sad to see you go...and it's funny that those snow memories stick in your head...My kiddies only played twice too and loved every min of it (i did too:)

  4. This is so cute! Love how you did the clouds! :)

  5. This is so cute!! I love that sweet image and you always do such a great job coloring! And the snowmen are so awesome :)


  6. adorable!! i love your colouring :)

  7. Awww, adorable card! Can't believe it's the end of your term at PWCO! It seems like yesterday that you just started - you've created some awesome projects for them! :)

  8. Totally adorable card Rinne! As always such a clever mix of patterns and colors going on... I love it! :)


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