
Friday, February 10, 2012

Our Currents.

Meet the future Dr. Oliver. Just turned 7 months. Oli has so many facial expressions. He usually just stares at first, usually with his mouth open. But once you get him going, he's all smiles and giggles and funny looks. Just learning to sit on his own now. I remember Mattie being able to do that sooner. But I can tell that O will be more rambunctious. Is that saying true? Is the second child always the opposite of the first?

I just want to bite those chubby cheeks all day! And that wild hair? Well, it gets lots of comments. You know every mother probably thinks her children are cute .. but I think Mr. Sweetcheeks is awfully adorable! Love those mesmerizing eyes!

Thought I'd do some CURRENTS a la Tina Azmus style:

time: 12:49 am.
place: office/ craft room.
eating: crackers.
drinking: emergen-c. (feeling a cold coming on).
watching: before this? my recording of american idol.
reading: email.
wanting: to go to bed.
thinking: about something exciting that's happening this weekend.
creating: a new play list on my itunes.
hoping: to get some craft time tomorrow.
needing: to get my Vitamix blender already. (c'mon amazon!)
wishing: too many to mention.

How about you? I'd love to hear some of your 'currents' in your comments below!

Please come back tomorrow! I've got some news!


  1. oh my he IS adorable.....that hair, those cheeks.

  2. O is such a happy little boy...
    love that chubby cheeks too...

  3. He is so adorable! And yes the second is completely different from the first and now the family seems just perfect! :) lol

    Currently its 6am and I'm commenting on everyone's blogs before I get breakfast going and my lil monsters get up! Have a great day... Hope you don't get sick!

  4. hi corinne! oh my, he is so adorable!! love, love those cheeks! well, my youngest one is totally different from my older 2. he is just more demanding and actually tires me out. maybe it's cause i'm getting old(er). hehe.

    currently, it's 10 am. pretty chilly here even though it's sunny. sat in traffic for 45 minutes even though the preschool is just 15-20 minutes away. had some breakfast and now just checking out everyone's blogs. hope you get some crafty time this weekend!

  5. What a cute cute little man you've got!!! And that hair is it!!!
    as for my currents >>> The weather is changing from a chilly morning to a hot afternoon. Right now it's nap time and I'm trying to get in some craft/blog time in before the boys are up!!!

  6. Oh Rinne, he is so absolutely adorable!! I just want to hug him!! I forgot to congratulate you in my last comment for being a guest designer at the Greeting Farm!! :)


  7. It's not just you, Mr. Oliver is beyond cute! :)


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