
Friday, March 16, 2012

My Condolonces.

Good morning, everyone.

I've got a couple of CAS (clean and simple) cards to show you today. I usually like to post one card per post but these are sympathy cards and I did not want to write multiple posts about sad subjects. :( I have to warn you that the rest of this post is pretty solemn.

It's so very sad that a couple of my friends lost their baby just a half hour after he was born. My friends are very religious so I incorporated the cross. They've also said that "their baby is an angel in Heaven now" -- the main image is actually a Holiday stamp, but I thought it would be fitting.


My heart aches for them. The circumstance was foretold but it was still devastating just the same.

The next card features one of my favorite flowers - the ranunculus. I love all the different, intricate layers. I just fussy-cut them and popped them out on top of the design paper.


All stamps used are from Stampendous. The blue dps are from Authentique and the kraft paper is from Bazzill.

I hope you all have a wonderful Saturday. Hug your loved ones! It's my weekend off and we've got enough plans to fill it but not too full... I think I'll have some time to relax and color some images!

I promise to be back to my happy and vibrant cards by tomorrow. Thanks so much for coming by!



  1. Your artwork speaks for itself (clean, original, & pleasing) and my deepest condolences to your friend.

    Hope this weekend is good to you & your family.

  2. I'm sure your friends will appreciate your beautiful expressions of sympathy on their loss.

  3. Such lovely cards and I'll keep your friends in my thoughts!


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