
Monday, March 19, 2012

True Blue, baby, I Love You!

Hi everyone,

I had time today to make a card so I decided to join in on the fun over at the Greeting Farm for their second March Madness Challenge. Make a monochromatic card:


I used WS Elena, and colored her hair really funkily. I'm having fun doing duo colored hair, can't ya tell, LOL! I used Authentique and Teresa Collins for the DPs. The camera and sentiment stamps are from American Crafts. The brad is from Echo Park. I also used the Deconstructed Sketch # 43.

Have a wonderful rest of the day! Hoping to craft again mid-week!


  1. This is soooo sweet! Love the papers you used and awesome colouring too!

  2. cute, cute, cute! love the blues!

  3. Okay LOVE the card and LOVE LOVE LOVE that hair!!! And I just notice that this image looks a lot like you, don't cha think!?! anyhoo the blue is fab awesome job!!!

  4. Fabulous card Rinne! I love the blues you used and her hair is so cool!


  5. This is gorgeous! LOVE the colors of her hair!! Thanks so much for joining us at the Deconstructed Sketch!

  6. LOVE! I have the camera stamp. Have not broken it out yet. Love how you used it!


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