
Sunday, April 8, 2012

CCC # 19

First of all, Happy Easter everyone! We have church, Easter eggs, and lots of food and family fun on the agenda!

Second, it's Sunday so that means another Christmas Card Challenge! For Week 19, the (optional) challenge is:

For some reason, I only saw 'flower' and not 'flower soft' or 'flocking.' Here's what I came up with :).


Used the oh-so-cute Fuzzy Wuzzy Amelia from TGF. Hope you visit the CCC blog for more information and inspiration. Challenges end the following Saturday at 10:45 CST.



  1. Oh this is such a cute image... cute card....
    Happy Easter Rinne!
    Hope you are enjoying your festive day at church, egg hunting and all those ono food too...

  2. Happy Easter...Hope you have a blessed day with your boys! And this card is cute (flower soft or not ;)

  3. aww, sweet! well, at least you got the flower part! have a great easter with your kiddies!


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