
Wednesday, June 6, 2012



Hi everybody,

Today's post features Charlotte at Paper Airplane. Isn't she so cute? What attracted me to her the most was her sense of uninhibition..I mean, look at that wide, toothy smile! :)

When I was at the tender age of 13, I tried to only smile with my lips closed together. I was self conscious of my crooked teeth and then later on, my braces. One of my BFFs, M, told me to smile showing my teeth, and I got a lot of compliments for it. It definitely helped me get through that awkward stage better.

And doesn't this particular Milk Coffee Stamp remind you of the popular '80s cartoon, The Littles? Yup, that's another thing I used to do when I was younger. I used to pretend that my miniature toys were little people :). If you haven't yet seen the movie "The Secret World of Arriety," you must! It's a wonderful movie -- it's like the Anime version of The Littles.

Ok, gotta go now! Have a fab day!


  1. aww, super cute rinne! she does look like she's having a ton of fun!

  2. You did awesome with her.... great color /combo and pretty bg embellies and papers...

  3. She is so super stinking cute and so is this card!!! Got to see that movie. I love all the others made. Ponyo is my fave!!!


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