
Friday, December 14, 2012

Funky Mood.


Good morning, Blogland.

I don't know about you, but I'm in a funky mood. My kids are sick and we all got a bit (ok, a lot) of cabin fever. Add on the news of the tragedy that unfolded in Connecticut. :(

I have been getting tear-y eyed all day. Not sure if it's because of hormones (that time of the month almost -- sorry for the TMI), or the fact that I am mourning those children because they're so close in age to mine. My prayers and condolonces to those kiddies and teachers and their families...

I had forgotten to show you all this card I made a few weeks ago. I never got a chance to take a picture of it before I had to bring it to work (it was for my friend at work). So I apologize that I only have a phone pic. I've realized that I've been doing a lot of that lately. My main camera is my phone camera. No bueno.

And look-y here, isn't her bod just terrific after having that babe? Tee hee. Image is from Saturated Canary.




  1. You've colored the image beautifully - love how you've done her hair. I think it's a great image reflecting a "real life situation", with the crying baby, stains on the shirt, and mommy trying to do several things at the same time! The papers you've used are lovely!

  2. wonderful card! i know, it's hard to stop thinking about the tragedy in connecticut. so many children.

  3. Adorable, love Krista's images.
    Yep what a shameless loss among all those poor innocent children and school staff that got over powered by that sinful shooter.

  4. hope that celebrating Christmas with those you love helps get you out of the funk. It certainly was terrible news. Love your beautiful card.


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