
Saturday, October 20, 2007

Almost Over

I love filling in online surveys. Especially on my MySpace. There's always this question that asks: "When was the last time you cried?" And for the longest time, I'd put, "Don't remember." For the last 7 days though, I've counted 6.

This has been an awful week. I can't wait till it's over and done with. My friends who got into a car accident are slowly recovering. It's a slow process, but they are hanging in there. So then I breathe a sigh of relief. My other friend tried to end life. This person is getting help so I wipe away tears. Work has been stressful with our changing to computerized charting. I had to come in for an extra workday on top of it all. But I've become optimistic about this change--that this temporary difficulty will benefit us all in the end. Another hardship was finding out one of my bff's dad has colon cancer, a disease that took the life of my dear Aunt Aida. But unlike hers, the diagnosis was Stage I and so I'm hopeful for their family.

But the end of this has finally come, and it's a happy kind of stress!
Who knew a nail salon would be so therapeutic?? And THEY are finally getting married today! Hence, that's why i'm up at freakin' 5 am to do some scrapping and blogging!!! And of course, I'm glad that mi amigas from afar are back for the weekend!!

Then, yesterday was the 6 month mark for my own wedding!!! Yay!! My friend's wedding will serve as the "trial" one & I'm a-taking lots of notes! And I'm so drooling over this. And this. I think I'll be getting one of these Tarina Tarantino's bridal HK collection!!

Speaking of weddings, here's a gift for a friend..not quite done, but thought I'd start posting it. And toot for me! I won the Sassafras Contest at A Million Memories. Whoot whoo!!! *jumping for joy!*


  1. thanks for you of all people would understand what I go through....I hope things start to look better on your end as well. I believe these times of difficulty just build us up and make us stronger.
    but damn the things that try to break us down!!

  2. Thanks for dropping by my blog Rinne! Let me know when you're in Manila and we can get together. You might want to join our local scrapbooking e-group Scrapbooks-Exchange -- we have quite a few foreign-based Pinays in the group too! Just look for the link in my blog.

  3. Aww... C was a pretty bride! Looked like a fun wedding! :)


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