
Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Life is precious. It truly is. A few of my friends are having a tough time right now. And I have been teary-eyed on and off since Saturday for them. I've been praying to God that no matter what, their amazing spirit should not be defeated. And for them to keep fighting. And that something tragic like this really puts your life into perspective. Like who cares if I didn't make it on Reminisce's DT? Or that I still don't have my wedding dress??

To SW, JA, and MS!!!


  1. I'm glad scrapbooking is therapeutic for you... I hope J & S make a healthy recovery. I'll keep them both in my prayers...

  2. Hi rinne thanks for passing by. Yeah I can always tell who my people are,are you kidding me! hehehehe. Sorry to hear about your friends hope everything works out. I hope you come by and visit me often kay. And I am glad you like my knight rider song, took me like 3 hours to find it.


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